Sea Cucumber Farms

Conventional Sea Cucumber Farming in Korea

Sea Cucumber Juvenile Release

Juvenile release projects led by government support programs
→ Economic dependence, inability to monitor, and environmental side effects

Natural Sea Cucumber Release Farming

Using artificial reefs and natural farming
→ Inability to control quality, low production volume, and extended production period

Sea Cucumber Harvesting and Gathering

Harvested directly by divers or female divers (haenyeo)
→ Safety concerns and workforce reduction due to aging population

해삼 양식 과정

주식회사 해신의 기술력과 차별성이 돋보이는 해삼 양식 과정

(1) 해삼 종묘 수입

중국 내 해삼 공급의 대부분을 차지하고 있는 호당가 그룹에서
품질 좋은 해삼 종자를 들여옵니다.

(2) 해양 가두리 양식

5~10cm 크기까지 성장하도록 바다에서 가두리 양식을 진행합니다.

(3) 해양 양식

바다 부표를 이용하여 해삼을 양식전용장치에 넣어 일정 크기와
무게의 성체에 도달할 때까지 바다에서 양식을 진행합니다.

(4) 육지 양식

해양 양식장과 동일한 환경을 갖춘 육지 양식장으로 해삼을
이동시켜 수면에 들지 않도록 하여 크기를 키웁니다.

(5) 해삼 수확

출하가능 품질의 해삼만을 선별하여 판매/가공/수출합니다.

Haesin Co., Ltd.'s Differentiated Sea Cucumber Farming

Owns Korea's largest marine sea cucumber farm as of 2024.
The largest company in Korea for sea cucumber farming, production, manufacturing, processing, sales, and export.

Operates the largest cage-type sea cucumber farm in Korea

The first and only company in Korea to succeed in large-scale sea cucumber farming, consistently producing high-quality sea cucumbers every year for export worldwide.

Development of Sea Cucumber Farming Devices and Equipment

Developed farming devices and equipment, allowing sea cucumbers grown in dedicated farming units to be harvested by mechanical workboats, ensuring high quality and mass production.

Establishment of One-Line Production for Sea Cucumber Farming, Processing, and Sales

Owns Korea's largest marine sea cucumber farm (approximately 100,000 square meters) in Goheung County, Jeollanam-do, along with land-based farms and a seafood processing plant.

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